Beer and Credit Card Processing: Tips for Microbreweries


Choosing credit card processing for your microbrewery is a lot like brewing beer — it’s part art and part science. And just like many types of craft beer, there are plenty of different solutions to help you accept payments from your customers. Although each microbrewery is unique, here are some tips any brewer will find helpful:

Brew Offline, Sell Online

Craft breweries today face many challenges — one being an increasing amount of products in the market with a decreasing number of distributors. It’s really an industry–wide problem that also impacts large beer companies who have witnessed the number of beer distributors fall from 4,595 in 1980 to around 3,000 in 2015. So why not skip stores altogether and sell your beer and merchandise directly to consumers through your website?

Online payment gateway makes this process simple. You can securely accept credit cards, debit cards and ACH payments online, while gaining better insight about your business through detailed transaction reports. Setup is effortless, settings are customizable and integration is seamless.

Think Outside the Four Walls

Are you the new kid on the block or an established brewery struggling to fill your taproom each night? Then it could be time to reach out to your customers instead of waiting for them to come to you. Bring your product to the beer festival or sell it at the local farmers market (if your state law allows it) — both are easily manageable with mobile credit card processing.

Mobile payment processing solutions, like one from TransNational Payments, allow you to take payments quickly and securely anywhere. Our intuitive mobile app provides inventory tracking, real-time reporting and personalized customization, while a diverse selection of card readers for your smartphone or tablet lets you accept payments your way.

Expand Your Sphere of Influence

Although the number of distributors is falling, your microbrewery may already have a good thing going. Now you want to expand your operations and deliver your craft beer to the masses. As you negotiate for the most favorable contract, B2B payment processing will become your best friend.

B2B payment processing can be complex, since it comes with specific guidelines for how to submit orders, process invoices and provide information to ensure the transaction is secure. TransNational Payments’ experts will walk you through the entire process, so you can continue doing what you do best — brew great beer!

Microbreweries may not have access to all the same resources their macro counterparts do, but when it comes to credit card processing, we believe in a level playing field. Let TransNational Payments help you take advantage of it.

See What Else Is Brewing in Credit Card Processing